



每年十一月第四個星期四,對美國和加拿大的人們來說,是一個特別重要的日子:感恩節(Thanksgiving Day)。





就在他們最需要幫助的時候,當地的美洲原住民(Native Americans)伸出了援手。他們教導清教徒如何耕種土地、捕魚和狩獵,幫助他們度過了艱難的時期。





  • 享用火雞大餐(Enjoying a turkey feast):火雞(Turkey)可是感恩節餐桌上的主角!人們會在火雞內填入各種美味的填料(Stuffing),烤得金黃酥脆,再搭配蔓越莓醬(Cranberry sauce)和肉汁(Gravy),簡直是人間美味。
  • 家庭聚會(Family gatherings):感恩節是一個家庭團聚的好時機。大家會一起準備餐點、分享生活中的點滴,增進彼此的感情。
  • 觀看遊行(Watching parades):許多城市會舉辦盛大的感恩節遊行(Parade),其中最著名的就是紐約市的梅西百貨感恩節遊行(Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade)。巨型氣球、花車和表演團隊,讓整個城市充滿節日的氣氛。
  • 黑色星期五購物(Black Friday shopping):感恩節過後的星期五,被稱為黑色星期五(Black Friday),是一年中最大的購物日之一。許多人會趁這個機會購買心儀已久的商品,享受折扣帶來的樂趣。
  • 感恩祈禱(Thanksgiving prayers):在享用大餐前,家庭成員通常會一起進行感恩祈禱,表達對生活中所擁有的一切的感激之情(Gratitude)。



  1. Thanksgiving Day(感恩節)
    • 例句:We gather with our loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.(我們與親愛的家人團聚慶祝感恩節。)
  2. Turkey(火雞)
    • 例句:The centerpiece of our Thanksgiving dinner is a roasted turkey.(我們感恩節晚餐的主角是一隻烤火雞。)
  3. Stuffing(填料)
    • 例句:Everyone loves the homemade stuffing inside the turkey.(大家都喜歡火雞內自製的填料。)
  4. Cranberry sauce(蔓越莓醬)
    • 例句:Cranberry sauce adds a tangy flavor to the meal.(蔓越莓醬為餐點增添了酸甜的風味。)
  5. Pumpkin pie(南瓜派)
    • 例句:No Thanksgiving is complete without pumpkin pie for dessert.(沒有南瓜派的甜點,感恩節就不完整。)
  6. Gravy(肉汁)
    • 例句:Pouring gravy over the mashed potatoes makes them even tastier.(在馬鈴薯泥上淋上肉汁,味道更加美味。)
  7. Mashed potatoes(馬鈴薯泥)
    • 例句:Mashed potatoes are a must-have side dish at our Thanksgiving table.(馬鈴薯泥是我們感恩節餐桌上必備的配菜。)
  8. Green bean casserole(四季豆砂鍋)
    • 例句:She brings her famous green bean casserole to the Thanksgiving potluck.(她帶了她著名的四季豆砂鍋參加感恩節聚餐。)
  9. Black Friday(黑色星期五)
    • 例句:We woke up early to catch the Black Friday deals.(我們早起去搶購黑色星期五的優惠。)
  10. Parade(遊行)
    • 例句:Watching the Thanksgiving parade is our family’s tradition.(觀看感恩節遊行是我們家的傳統。)
  11. Harvest(收穫)
    • 例句:Thanksgiving originally celebrated the harvest season.(感恩節最初是為了慶祝豐收季節。)
  12. Pilgrims(清教徒)
    • 例句:The Pilgrims shared a feast with the Native Americans.(清教徒與美洲原住民共享了一場盛宴。)
  13. Native Americans(美洲原住民)
    • 例句:Native Americans helped the Pilgrims learn how to cultivate the land.(美洲原住民幫助清教徒學習如何耕種土地。)
  14. Feast(盛宴)
    • 例句:We prepared a feast to celebrate and give thanks.(我們準備了一場盛宴來慶祝和感恩。)
  15. Gratitude(感激之情)
    • 例句:Expressing gratitude is the essence of Thanksgiving.(表達感激之情是感恩節的核心。)
  16. Blessings(祝福)
    • 例句:We count our blessings during Thanksgiving dinner.(我們在感恩節晚餐時細數我們的祝福。)
  17. Family reunion(家庭團聚)
    • 例句:Thanksgiving is the perfect occasion for a family reunion.(感恩節是家庭團聚的絕佳時機。)
  18. Cornucopia(豐饒之角)
    • 例句:The cornucopia is a symbol of abundance during Thanksgiving.(豐饒之角在感恩節中象徵著富足。)
  19. Gathering(聚會)
    • 例句:Our annual Thanksgiving gathering brings the whole family together.(我們一年一度的感恩節聚會讓全家人團聚。)
  20. Football(美式足球)
    • 例句:Watching football games is a Thanksgiving tradition for many families.(觀看美式足球比賽是許多家庭的感恩節傳統。)
  21. Leftovers(剩菜)
    • 例句:We make delicious sandwiches with the Thanksgiving leftovers.(我們用感恩節的剩菜做美味的三明治。)
  22. Travel(旅行)
    • 例句:Millions of people travel home for Thanksgiving every year.(每年有數百萬人返鄉過感恩節。)
  23. Blessing(祈禱)
    • 例句:We offer a blessing before enjoying our Thanksgiving feast.(我們在享用感恩節盛宴前進行祈禱。)
  24. Holiday(假日)
    • 例句:Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated with great enthusiasm.(感恩節是備受歡迎的國定假日。)
  25. Meal(餐點)
    • 例句:Preparing the Thanksgiving meal is a family effort.(準備感恩節餐點是全家人的共同努力。)
  26. Tradition(傳統)
    • 例句:It’s a tradition to share what we’re thankful for at the dinner table.(在餐桌上分享我們的感恩之情是一項傳統。)
  27. Autumn(秋季)
    • 例句:Thanksgiving takes place in the autumn, surrounded by colorful leaves.(感恩節在秋季舉行,四周被五彩繽紛的樹葉環繞。)
  28. Thankful(感激的)
    • 例句:We feel thankful for the good health of our loved ones.(我們對親人的健康感到感激。)
  29. Volunteer(志工)
    • 例句:Many people volunteer at shelters during Thanksgiving.(許多人在感恩節期間到收容所當志工。)
  30. Charity(慈善)
    • 例句:Donating food to charity is a common Thanksgiving practice.(捐贈食物給慈善機構是感恩節常見的做法。)

更多感恩節英文可參考:Thanksgiving | LearnEnglish


Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday

Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays in the United States and Canada. It’s a day when families and friends come together to enjoy a big meal and give thanks for everything they have.

Usually, people cook turkey, mashed potatoes, and make some yummy pumpkin pie for dessert. It’s also a time to relax, watch the Thanksgiving Day parade, and maybe play some games or watch a football game.

The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. It’s famous for amazing sales and deals at almost every store.

People wake up really early, sometimes even camping out overnight, just to grab the best discounts. Many shops open their doors at midnight or even on Thanksgiving night!

Black Friday kicks off the holiday shopping season, and it’s a great time to buy gifts for Christmas while saving some money. Nowadays, a lot of people also shop online to avoid the crowds and still get the great deals.












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