農曆新年英文怎麼說?(Lunar New Year)
Lunar New Year 或 Chinese New Year 是描述農曆新年的常用說法。
- Lunar New Year:更廣泛的用法,適合指代使用農曆的其他文化的新年,例如越南的 Tết。
- Chinese New Year:主要指中國文化中的農曆新年。
- Lunar New Year is one of the most important traditional holidays in many Asian cultures.
(農曆新年是許多亞洲文化中最重要的傳統節日之一。) - Chinese New Year is celebrated with family gatherings, delicious food, and various cultural activities.
(農曆新年是透過家庭聚會、美食以及各種文化活動來慶祝的。) - During Lunar New Year, people clean their houses to get rid of bad luck and welcome the new year.
(農曆新年期間,人們會大掃除以掃除霉運,迎接新年。) - The highlight of Chinese New Year is the family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve.
(農曆新年的重頭戲是除夕夜的團圓飯。) - Red decorations and lanterns are everywhere during Lunar New Year.
(農曆新年期間到處都是紅色的裝飾和燈籠。) - Firecrackers and dragon dances add excitement to the Chinese New Year celebrations.
(鞭炮聲和舞龍表演為農曆新年的慶祝活動增添了熱鬧氣氛。) - Happy Lunar New Year! Wishing you health, happiness, and prosperity in the year ahead.
(農曆新年快樂!祝你在新的一年裡健康、幸福和繁榮。) - Gong Xi Fa Cai! May your Chinese New Year be filled with joy and success.
尾牙英文怎麼說?(Year-end Banquet)
英文通常用 Year-end Banquet 或 Company Dinner 來描述,簡單又正式。如果想要更生活化的說法,也可以說 Team Celebration 或 Work Party。
- Our company is hosting a grand year-end banquet at a five-star hotel.
(我們公司在一家五星級飯店舉行盛大的尾牙。) - The CEO will deliver a speech at the company dinner to thank everyone for their hard work.
(執行長會在尾牙上發表演講,感謝大家的努力。) - Are you excited about the lucky draw at the work party tonight?
(你今晚期待尾牙抽獎嗎?) - We’re planning to have a casual team celebration this year with hot pot and karaoke.
尾牙抽獎英文怎麼說?(Lucky Draw)
尾牙通常會有 Lucky Draw(抽獎)、Special Awards(特別獎項)或 Performances(表演活動)。這些都可以用來跟外國朋友解釋尾牙的特色。
Lucky Draw:常用於描述尾牙或其他活動中的抽獎,強調「運氣」成分。
- The highlight of our year-end banquet is the lucky draw.
- Don’t forget to grab your ticket for the raffle at the company dinner.
Prize Draw:更正式的說法,通常用於活動或商業場合。
- There’s a grand prize draw at the end of the banquet.
圍爐英文怎麼說?(Family Reunion Dinner)
圍爐是過年除夕最重要的活動,大家圍在一起吃飯,象徵團圓和幸福。英文通常用 Family Reunion Dinner 來形容,也可以簡單說 Family Dinner 或 Reunion Feast。
- The family reunion dinner is the highlight of Chinese New Year’s Eve.
(團圓飯是農曆除夕的重頭戲。) - Each dish served at the reunion feast has a special meaning, symbolizing good luck and prosperity.
(每道圍爐菜餚都有特殊的意義,象徵好運和繁榮。) - I can’t wait for tonight’s family dinner—my grandma’s cooking is the best!
(我等不及今晚的團圓飯了,我奶奶的手藝是最棒的!) - Eating hot pot together at the reunion dinner makes everyone feel closer.
圍爐的菜餚通常有特殊寓意,比如 Fish (魚) 代表年年有餘,Dumplings (餃子) 象徵財富。如果是火鍋,氣氛更溫馨,也可以解釋為 Hot Pot Dinner。
紅包英文怎麼說?(Red Envelope)
Red Envelope:紅包
紅包最簡單的英文翻譯就是 Red Envelope,而裡面的壓歲錢可以說 Lucky Money。
- Kids get so excited when they receive red envelopes.
(小孩拿到紅包的時候超開心的!) - I gave my nephew a red envelope with some lucky money inside.
Give/Receive Red Envelopes:發紅包/收紅包
過年一定少不了發紅包和收紅包,用英文可以直接說 Give Red Envelopes 或 Receive Red Envelopes。
- My grandparents always give red envelopes to all the kids in the family.
(我祖父母總是發紅包給家裡的所有小孩。) - I love receiving red envelopes during the New Year—it’s so fun!
大掃除英文怎麼說?(Spring Cleaning)
Spring Cleaning:大掃除
過年前的大掃除是為了迎接新氣象,英文叫 Spring Cleaning,象徵「除舊佈新」。
- We do spring cleaning every year to get rid of bad luck.
(我們每年都會大掃除,趕走霉運。) - My family is busy with spring cleaning before New Year’s Eve.
如果是清理家裡的舊東西,可以用 Declutter 這個單字。
- I need to declutter my closet—it’s a mess!
(我得好好整理我的衣櫃,現在亂得不行!) - Decluttering the house makes everything feel fresh for the new year.
Dust Off:擦拭灰塵
擦拭灰塵可以用 Dust Off,是個很實用的片語。
- Don’t forget to dust off the shelves during spring cleaning.
(大掃除時別忘了擦一擦書架的灰塵。) - I spent the morning dusting off old furniture—it’s tiring but worth it!
吉祥話英文怎麼說?(lucky phrases)
吉祥話的英文可以翻譯為 auspicious sayings、lucky phrases 或 blessings,根據語境選用。
Auspicious Sayings:用於正式或描述具有文化特色的吉祥話時,例如農曆新年傳統祝福。
- Chinese New Year is filled with auspicious sayings to bring luck and happiness.
Lucky Phrases:口語化,簡單易懂,適合非正式場景。
- People share lucky phrases during the Lunar New Year to wish each other well.
- New Year blessings often include wishes for health, wealth, and happiness.
- Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wishing you wealth and prosperity.
- May you have abundance every year.
- Wishing you great fortune and good luck.
- May wealth and treasures fill your home.
辦年貨英文怎麼說?(New Year Shopping)
- Everyone is busy with New Year shopping to prepare for the celebration.
(每個人都忙著辦年貨,準備過年的慶祝活動。) - During New Year shopping, I bought red envelopes, decorations, and lots of snacks.
貼春聯與門神英文怎麼說?(Putting up Spring Couplets and Door Gods)
貼春聯與門神的英文可以用 Putting up Spring Couplets / Hanging Door Gods 表示。
- We’re putting up spring couplets on our front door to welcome the New Year.
(我們正在前門貼春聯來迎接新年。) - My grandma always insists on hanging door gods to keep evil spirits away.
守歲英文怎麼說?(Staying Up Late)
- Staying up late on New Year’s Eve is a tradition to bring good luck for the coming year.
(除夕夜守歲是一個帶來好運的傳統。) - My family stayed up until midnight, chatting and watching TV together.
放鞭炮與煙火英文怎麼說?(Setting off Firecrackers and Fireworks)
放鞭炮與煙火的英文可以用 Setting off Firecrackers / Lighting Fireworks 表示。
- Kids love setting off firecrackers during Chinese New Year.
(小孩們很喜歡在過年期間放鞭炮。) - The fireworks display at midnight was stunning!
舞龍舞獅英文怎麼說?(Dragon and Lion Dance)
- The dragon dance at the temple was full of energy and excitement.
(廟裡的舞龍表演充滿活力和熱鬧的氣氛。) - Watching the lion dance is one of my favorite New Year traditions.
逛廟會英文怎麼說?(Visiting Temple Fairs)
- We spent the afternoon visiting temple fairs and enjoying the performances.
(我們花了一個下午逛廟會,欣賞表演。) - Temple fairs are a great way to experience the festive atmosphere of the New Year.
初一拜年英文怎麼說?(Paying New Year Visits)
- On the first day of the Lunar New Year, we went paying New Year visits to our relatives.
(農曆新年初一,我們走訪親戚拜年。) - Don’t forget to say “Happy New Year” when paying New Year visits!
初二回娘家英文怎麼說?(Visiting the Wife’s Family)
- On the second day of the Lunar New Year, it’s a tradition to visit the wife’s family.
(農曆新年初二有回娘家的傳統。) - We brought some gifts while visiting my wife’s family for New Year.
初五迎財神英文怎麼說?(Welcoming the God of Wealth)
- On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, people celebrate by welcoming the God of Wealth.
(農曆新年的第五天,人們慶祝迎接財神。) - We lit firecrackers early in the morning to welcome the God of Wealth.
更多過年英文可參考:Lunar New Year | LearnEnglish
Chinese New Year is all about family, food, and traditions. We start by doing spring cleaning, then have a big family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve. We also give and receive red envelopes, which is my favorite part!
祝大家新年快樂,Happy Lunar New Year! 🎉
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