機場英文對話與單字有哪些?這篇文章將提供你機場必備的英文單字與完整對話範例,讓你在機場能夠自信應對各種情境!當你準備出國時,機場是你第一個會遇到的重要環節。無論是辦理 Check-in(登機手續)、通過 Security Check(安檢)、登機(Boarding)、轉機(Transit)、入境(Immigration)或通關(Customs),每個步驟都有可能需要用到英文。
- 辦理登機手續(Check-in):如何詢問航班資訊、行李規定、座位選擇等。
- 過安檢(Security Check):如何與安檢人員溝通,並順利通過檢查。
- 登機(Boarding):如何確認登機門、詢問登機時間。
- 轉機(Transit):如果航班不是直飛,如何順利找到轉機航班。
- 入境審查(Immigration):如何回答移民官的問題,順利入境。
- 領取行李與通關(Baggage Claim & Customs):如何找行李、報失、通過海關。
中文 | 英文 |
機場 | Airport |
航空公司 | Airline |
航班 | Flight |
候機室 | Departure lounge |
登機門 | Boarding gate |
登機證 | Boarding pass |
行李 | Luggage/Baggage |
托運行李 | Checked baggage |
手提行李 | Carry-on baggage |
安檢 | Security check |
海關 | Customs |
移民局 | Immigration |
簽證 | Visa |
轉機 | Transfer/Transit |
出境 | Departure |
入境 | Arrival |
延誤 | Delay |
取消 | Cancel |
領行李處 | Baggage claim |
退稅 | Tax refund |
機場辦理 Check-in 對話
👩💼 櫃台人員:Hello! May I see your passport and ticket, please?
👨💼 旅客:Sure! Here you go.
👩💼 櫃台人員:Are you checking in any luggage?
👨💼 旅客:Yes, I have one suitcase to check in.
👩💼 櫃台人員:Do you have any carry-on baggage?
👨💼 旅客:Yes, just this backpack.
👩💼 櫃台人員:Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
👨💼 旅客:I’d like a window seat, please.
👩💼 櫃台人員:Okay, your seat is 23A. Here’s your boarding pass. Your flight boards at Gate 10 at 10:30 AM.
(好的,您的座位是 23A。這是您的登機證。您的航班將於 10:30 在 10 號登機門登機。)
👨💼 旅客:Thank you!
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, is it possible to change my seat?
👩💼 櫃台人員:Let me check. What kind of seat would you prefer?
👨💼 旅客:I’d like an aisle seat, if available.
👩💼 櫃台人員:I’m sorry, but the aisle seats are fully booked. Would you like a seat closer to the front?
👨💼 旅客:Yes, that would be great. Thank you!
👩💼 櫃台人員:Alright, I’ve changed your seat to 12B. Here’s your new boarding pass.
(好的,我幫您更改成 12B。這是您的新登機證。)
👨💼 旅客:Thank you so much!
- Can I get an emergency exit seat?(我可以坐在緊急出口座位嗎?)
- Is there a seat with extra legroom available?(有沒有腿部空間比較大的座位?)
- Can I switch to a window seat?(我可以換成靠窗的座位嗎?)
- I’d like to sit next to my friend. Can we switch seats?(我想坐在朋友旁邊,我們可以換座位嗎?)
- What time is the boarding?(請問幾點登機?)
- How many bags can I check in?(我可以托運幾件行李?)
- Is there an extra charge for overweight baggage?(超重行李需要額外付費嗎?)
- Can I change my seat?(我可以更換座位嗎?)
- Take off your jacket, belt, and shoes.(請脫下夾克、皮帶和鞋子。)
- Please put your laptop and liquids in a separate tray.(請把筆電和液體放在不同的托盤中。)
- Spread your arms and stand still.(請張開雙臂站好。)
- Can I bring this on the plane?(這個可以帶上飛機嗎?)
- Do I need to take out my tablet?(我需要拿出平板嗎?)
- May I see your boarding pass?(可以看一下您的登機證嗎?)
- Boarding starts now.(現在開始登機。)
- Please board in numerical order.(請按照號碼順序登機。)
- Is this the right gate for Flight AA101?(這裡是 AA101 航班的登機門嗎?)
- Where is seat 15C?(15C 座位在哪?)
- Is there space in the overhead bin?(上方行李艙還有空位嗎?)
- Would you like chicken or pasta?(您想要雞肉還是義大利麵?)
- What would you like to drink?(您想喝什麼?)
- Coffee, tea, or juice?(咖啡、茶還是果汁?)
- Do you have a menu?(請問有菜單嗎?)
- How much is a sandwich?(三明治多少錢?)
- Can I get another bottle of water?(可以再給我一瓶水嗎?)
- Can I purchase an extra meal?(我可以額外購買一份餐點嗎?)
- Do you have any instant noodles?(請問有泡麵嗎?)
- Do you have any vegetarian meals?(請問有素食餐嗎?)
- Can I get a gluten-free meal?(可以提供無麩質餐嗎?)
- I requested a special meal when I booked my ticket. Can you check if it’s available?
(我在訂票時預訂了特殊餐,請問可以確認一下嗎?) - Is there a kids’ meal available?(有兒童餐嗎?)
- Do you serve halal meals?(有清真餐嗎?)
當你需要轉機(Transit / Transfer)時,可能會遇到不同的情境,例如:尋找轉機櫃檯、確認登機門、更換航班、重新通過安檢等。以下是完整的對話範例,讓你在機場轉機時能順利應對!
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, I have a connecting flight to London. Could you tell me where the boarding gate is?
👩💼 機場工作人員:Sure! May I see your boarding pass?
👨💼 旅客:Here it is.
👩💼 機場工作人員:Your flight to London departs from Gate 25. Just follow the signs for International Transfers.
(您的倫敦航班從 25 號登機門出發,請跟著國際轉機的指示標誌前往。)
👨💼 旅客:Thank you! How long does it take to walk there?
👩💼 機場工作人員:About 10 minutes. But you’ll need to go through security again before boarding.
(大約 10 分鐘。不過,您需要重新通過安檢後才能登機。)
👨💼 旅客:Got it. Thanks for your help!
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, do I need to check in again for my connecting flight?
👩💼 機場工作人員:Which airline are you flying with?
👨💼 旅客:I’m flying with British Airways.
👩💼 機場工作人員:No, your baggage has been checked through to your final destination. You just need to go to the boarding gate.
👨💼 旅客:Great! Thank you!
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, where is the transfer desk?
👩💼 機場工作人員:It’s on the second floor, next to Gate 15.
(在二樓,15 號登機門旁邊。)
👨💼 旅客:Do I need to go through security again?
👩💼 機場工作人員:Yes, all transfer passengers must go through security screening.
👨💼 旅客:Okay, thank you!
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, my flight was delayed, and I missed my connecting flight to New York. What should I do?
👩💼 航空公司地勤:Let me check your booking. May I have your passport and ticket?
👨💼 旅客:Here you go.
👩💼 航空公司地勤:I’m sorry for the inconvenience. We have rebooked you on the next flight at 3:30 PM.
(很抱歉造成您的不便。我們已經幫您重新預訂下午 3:30 的下一班航班。)
👨💼 旅客:Thank you. Do I need to pick up my luggage?
👩💼 航空公司地勤:No, your baggage will be transferred automatically.
👨💼 旅客:That’s great. Thanks for your help!
當你抵達目的地時,通常需要通過入境審查(Immigration),並可能與海關(Customs)對話。移民官(Immigration Officer)通常會詢問你的旅行目的、停留時間、住宿地點等。以下是更完整的入境英文對話,讓你應對不同情境!
👮♂️ 移民官:Good morning! May I see your passport and arrival card?
👨💼 旅客:Sure, here you go.
👮♂️ 移民官:What’s the purpose of your visit?
👨💼 旅客:I’m here for tourism.
➡ 其他回答方式:
- I’m here on business.(我是來出差的。)
- I’m visiting family.(我是來探親的。)
- I’m here for a conference.(我是來參加會議的。)
👮♂️ 移民官:How long will you be staying?
👨💼 旅客:I’ll be staying for seven days.
👮♂️ 移民官:Where will you be staying?
👨💼 旅客:I’ll be staying at the Hilton Hotel in downtown.
👮♂️ 移民官:Do you have a return ticket?
👨💼 旅客:Yes, here it is.
👮♂️ 移民官:Okay, enjoy your stay!
👨💼 旅客:Thank you!
- Do you have anything to declare?(有需要申報的物品嗎?)
- What’s in your suitcase?(行李裡有什麼?)
- Are you carrying any food or alcohol?(有攜帶食物或酒類嗎?)
👨💼 旅客:I’m from Taiwan, and Taiwanese passport holders don’t need a visa for Schengen countries for short stays.
👨💼 旅客:I hold a Taiwanese passport, and according to the Schengen visa policy, Taiwan passport holders can enter Schengen countries visa-free for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.
(我持有台灣護照,根據申根簽證政策,台灣護照持有者可以在 180 天內免簽進入申根國家,停留最多 90 天。)
👨💼 旅客:You can check the visa exemption list. Taiwan is listed as one of the visa-free countries for the Schengen Area.
👨💼 旅客:If needed, I can show you my return ticket and travel itinerary.
在行李轉盤(Baggage Claim)拿行李時:
- Where can I find my baggage?(我的行李在哪裡?)
- My luggage is missing.(我的行李不見了。)
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, my suitcase hasn’t arrived. What should I do?
👩💼 機場工作人員:I’m sorry about that. Can I have your baggage claim tag?
👨💼 旅客:Sure, here it is.
👩💼 機場工作人員:Let me check the system… It looks like your bag is still in transit and will arrive on the next flight.
👨💼 旅客:Oh, I see. When will it arrive?
👩💼 機場工作人員:It should arrive in about two hours. We can deliver it to your hotel if you’d like.
👨💼 旅客:Yes, that would be great. Thank you!
👩💼 機場工作人員:Please fill out this lost baggage form with your contact details and hotel address.
👨💼 旅客:Okay, here you go.
👩💼 機場工作人員:We’ll notify you once your baggage arrives. Here’s your reference number.
👨💼 旅客:Thank you so much!
👨💼 旅客:Excuse me, my suitcase is damaged. What should I do?
👩💼 航空公司地勤:I’m sorry about that. Could you show me the damage?
👨💼 旅客:Here, the handle is broken, and the side is cracked.
👩💼 航空公司地勤:I understand. Please fill out this damage report.
👨💼 旅客:Will the airline compensate for the damage?
👩💼 航空公司地勤:Yes, we can either repair your suitcase or offer compensation.
👨💼 旅客:Okay, I’d like a compensation.
👩💼 航空公司地勤:Alright, please provide your contact details, and we will process your claim.
- Excuse me, could you help me?(不好意思,您能幫我嗎?)
- Where is…?(請問……在哪裡?)